Increase Your Electrical Capacity

Make sure all new electrical appliances will function correctly

Need to replace the outdated electrical panel at your home or office? Bolla Electrical is here to help. With more than 15 years of industry experience, we're highly qualified to work with any brand, style and variety of panels and subpanels.

Not sure what type of panel you need for your property? Don't sweat it. We'll help you find the right equipment to meet your needs. Feel free to call today to learn more about how you can benefit from our services.

3 good reasons to hire us

Not sure when to schedule an electrical panel upgrade? You should contact Bolla Electrical if:

1.You're planning to add on to your property
2.You've recently installed several new appliances
3.You need to make sure your electrical system is up to code

We'll work within your budget and make recommendations to suit all your needs. Schedule an appointment today to get started.

electrical wiring service haverhill ma